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Roxane gay pass over death beloved

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He, like so many others I have met through here, is tireless and awesome. that man is there, the familiar face in the crowd. Y’all, Mark Cugini, can I just shout him out? Every time I am in D.C. I have met most of my closest friends through this place. I have been exposed to writers, magazines, and presses I would have never known about and that are now part of my canon. I am still a work in progress, but I’ve come so far because of HTMLGIANT. I wrote a lot here. I learned so much about how to argue, being criticized, developing a thicker skin, becoming a stronger writer, being more open minded, standing my ground. I have so many opinions and I will forever be grateful that I had this space to share them!

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I wrote about my homegirl Edith Wharton, sentimental women’s writing, interviewed or reviewed talented writers, gave space other writers write on talented writers, mused on writing a novel, accepted writing as a political act, considered diversity in the Best American series, and on and on. I got to start a Literary Magazine Club and we sure tried to make a go of it. I was way older and different than most of the other contributors but they all welcomed me and what I had to say.

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Blake Butler invited me to join the rowdy conversation over here in 2009.

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